Thursday, May 17, 2012

Disappointing Prom Dresses

I was so excited for my first prom in Pico! Weren't you all? And then I see these dresses...
Look at the puffy sleeves.
 My spirit just went down. Is it only me that doesn't look good in these? I wonder if anyone actually bought one. So far, I've only seen one person wearing their prom dress.
220 AG is almost the cost of a wig. I would totally go for the wig right now, if I were you.

I really hope Pico is making better Prom dresses soon. It seems they're running out of ideas in the fashion section. For example, the Cosmetic Cat room. I like cats, but why Cosmetic Cats? It doesn't even make much sense.

Pico, you've got to step up your game.

     ~Disappointed Pico-Addict

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