Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Le New Profile.

Click on yourselves today when you log in. THAT is what will pop up instead of the usual profile. I just think it's a bit more stalkerish than the old one. And it reminds me of Facebook, which is not a good thing. Now, for this profile, you have to set your age(don't worry, I'm not 111 years old in real life). It also shows how much you earned in Casino. As you can see, I've been slacking off on the challenges... Oh, and like Facebook, you can enter in statuses.

To be honest, I don't like it that much. I don't like it but, I'm getting used to it.

Sorry for this short article... Finals are getting in my way of posting everything I want to say.

A BIG THANK-YOU TO ALL OUR WONDERFUL & AMAZING Pico-Addict readers out there! We officially passed 1,000 views! Hopefully, I will announce a contest in celebration, soon!

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