Sunday, January 6, 2013

Pico Ending: Where Are We Now?

Okay, Celeste here. I know many of you are devastated over Pico ending (especially the people who spent real money on it) and to you all it's pretty much like the end of the world really came, but not in the way a certain Mayan Calender predicted. I just wanted to share with you all what made Pico so special, even though half the time we were complaining about newbies and snookies and Pico bugs. To be honest, I didn't want to end this blog with a post that was only about "Charlie's room" and the "CYBERAGENT SUCKS" pic
One of the saddest things Google Chrome has ever shown me...

1. The Pets:
Let's face it... we all miss our digital pets (if you had any) and everyone knows that it's stupid to care aboyt something that lives in a computer even though it looks so cute when we feed it and we're so happy when it learns a new trick and...OK I really need a life. But honestly, who didn't feel happy when we magically appeared into our rooms after logging in and seeing this really adorable little fake pet? It may feel stupid but it's really comforting to see that.
I'm gonna miss her sooo much! :'(

2. The New Items:
Pico released a bunch of cool new items like the red panda/raccoon animal, and the new wigs and rockstar store. Then, about one month later, Pico just threw the fact that it was closing right in our faces. And with all that awesome stuff that I couldn't save up my cash for...that just sucked.

3. The Rooms and Closets:
I don't know about you but I never got the chance to save up money and make my room look good. I either was never there...or I hung out in other people's rooms when they weren't there and made it seem like my room. But for Picos like Charlie, who made their rooms really awesome, it must have sucked to have that taken away. Same for the closets. I didn't have that much AG stuff in there but Chrysalis was a walk-in closet by herself. When she dressed up she'd have a lot of clothing on herself, and she'd look awesome while wearing it. So I really felt bad for her because she had a lot of stuff in there.

Okay, I covered the things I missed most, but what about you? I wanna know what you missed most because clearly, I didn't cover everything. Pico was important to me, but now that it's gone I feel like I can finally have a life. (Still working on that having a life part though...) This is my good-bye, and I'll miss all you fellow Picos. Is Pigg does get an English version, the blog will start up again, we promise. Chrysalis and I thank you for the 60 Likes on Facebook, and the 10,872 views on this blog. We hope we will return, but for now...


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pigg In English & Hackers in Pico

So, I've visited Ameba Pico and discovered that hackers have run amuck in many places like... NYC Downtown. What a great way to show our love for CyberAgent!

I will keep this picture forever. Oh, and what happened to Charlie's room?

Boy, is he gaining a lot of favorites. Well, it doesn't really matter now, does it?
Tommy's room has a new addition to his room, huh.

But, there was something that caught my eye... I wonder who "Him" is in this message...?
I wonder.

There's also this picture of Pigg where everyone is speaking English!
Does this mean a better version of Ameba Pico coming to Pigg?
Though, I wish I still had my closet in Ameba Pico.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

To Make the Best of Gooodbyes

I want to share a link with you guys:

This is a link to a Freedom Wall Page where you can post, well... whatever you want!
Except this one has a special prompt for those of you sad to let Pico go:
Before the Farewell of Ameba Pico I want to:

I'll do my post here.

Before the Farewell of Ameba Pico I want to:
-Throw a big food party for everyone
-Wear out all my favorite outfits
-Make sure Munchkin's mood is 100% before I leave
-Donate all my GM (do you want?)
-Play soccer at the gymnasium one last time
-Go swimming with friends
-Virtually hug people I will miss

It's time for you to make a list also, and post it on the Freedom Wall.
I hope this helped a bit.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pico Closing

*This is a repost of the posts I posted on our Facebook Page*

As many of you guys know, Pico is closing on 12/17.
I'm sad, yes. I spent much of my life on this game. 
But I think it's time for me to just focus on real life.
I know many of you will go over to Pigg, but I dunno... It's not the same for me. Even with all the bad stuff in Pico, there was a lot of great things about it. I met great people. Got Munchkin, whom I will miss, surprisingly. 

I don't regret much :']

For the people who are making the petitions... Good luck with that. I hope it works though, I think the best solution for the people who spent insane amounts of AG in Ameba Pico is for Cyberagent to allow them to transfer their Pico account to Pigg.

Sadly, I really don't think the blog will last.
It will be there. 
There will be no new articles, though.

If we change our name to 'Pigg Addicts,' it wouldn't represent us because... we don't like Pigg that much because:

1. It's in a whole different language. To the people who say: "Look at the pictures!" I did. AND IT'S STILL CONFUSING. ASDFREGAESDGFHDSADSADF. Make it English and I will be happy :)

2. Earning Candy Gold in Japanese... It's not that easy... Thank you to the people who tried to explain to me how. I'm still clueless, though.

3. Slowness/Lagginess: It's slower compared to Pico. The shop loads slower, the places load slower and that irks me.

4. You can't tell if a Japanese Pico player is laughing at you O_O"

Me and Celeste need to let go of Pico because there's this really fun game where you can make events, meet new friends, eat food, dress up and be fashionable.
It's called LIFE.
With the amount of money you're spending on AG, you can host a party, buy clothes, buy food, etc.

Ermahgerd. Amazing, right?

Get a life seems too harsh of a way to end this so, I'm going to leave you with all the thoughts above.

Cheers to all the great memories made in Pico!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pico Parks and Shops: Halloween Edition

So, it's me Celeste and I've decided to give you guys a personal tour of Pico Halloweenified! (is that a word...I don't think so...) Anyways, first stop, the Halloween Park:
Now you see where its says find your favorite costume here? LIES! There are ABSOLUTELY no costumes sold there. The park itself is pretty cool though.

See, pretty cool. Next up, Chloe's House, just because it took me a 50 people wait to get in there and I don't want to waste it.

Anyways, I know what you guys really want...the costumes! Well, wait a bit longer because, first I'm gonna show you Downtown.

Okay, I'm torturing you so here are the Halloween Costumes!

Yes, everything from witches, to princesses, to ghosts. Unfortunately, RinaRina is the only place where you can get these costumes. That's all for n- WAIT! Before I forget, I changed my look like my fellow blogger Chrysalis!

I made myself a red-head (always wanted to be one) and in Pico, I'm gonna be a rock star for Halloween. Guess that's all for now, bye guys!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Day in A Life of Chrysalis ON HALLOWEEN!

It's been a week.... already?
I guess so, and that means another post for you.
Since I didn't really know what to write today, I just thought I'd share my day in Pico with you.
If I like it, I probably will continue this segment :)

First of all, doesn't RinaRina get a kiss for the fabulous new items? Mwah!
 I love my new, old pink ghost hoodie, which I know was there last year but I only bought it this year.
I feel like changing my mouth to a huge smiley-face mouth because of Halloween. Did I mention how much I adore Halloween? Well, I do.

In the middle of traveling, I get a connection timeout and I freaked.
So glad my internet is fine. My poor baby...
Then, I went to Barbie Salon. Why? I needed a hair change. I'm so sick of my boring brown/black hair that's on basically every Pico.

So, I changed it.
Got a trim.
Changed the color.
And voila!
I like it a lot, actually. Do you?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Halloween Costumes Part 2!

So obviously, you've seen Chrysalis's post on Halloween costumes and wigs. (If you haven't check it out below) I have only one wig combo...boohoo D': ...but I have come up with a bunch of other costumes for all of you awesome viewers.

Beach/Pool Party Girl


And that's pretty much it. Remember, if you wanna know where we got this stuff, comment or leave a message on our facebook page.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Halloween Costumes & My All Time FAVORITE Wig Combos

HELLLOOO. Chrysalis is back~
And coming to you with some Halloween ideas for Pico AND possibly in real life :)
I know Halloween items haven't been in Pico yet(...even though, Pigg has them already) but, since I'm too hyper for this holiday, I decided to make some outfit ideas now! Complete outfits including some new & old wig combos. Enjoy!

Alice In Wonderland




French Girl

 If you have any questions on where to find each item, don't be shy and ask in the comments or on our Facebook page on the side! I will reply as soon as I can, I promise.

So, what are you going to be for Halloween? 
I hope this post gave you a bunch of ideas :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New Wigs!

Celeste here and I'd just like to say that, yes we know we're a bit late on this piece of news, but in our defense...SCHOOL. By the way, this is officially our 69th post! Hehehehe...for people who don't get it, just be glad you're innocent. Now anyways, the new rooms are the Vivid Fairy Room and the Animal Circus Room (which were always in Pigg).
Ugh, bad quality
So I did you guys a favor and got all the wigs from these two here because let's face it:
1. Wigs are awesome.
From the Vivid Fair Tale 

From the Animal Circus
Seriously, what is with my quality...-_- Anyways, that's it for now. Oh and we reached 8,000 views! So thanks a bunch guys.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


We're not even going to tell you our excuses for not posting as much because a bunch of other people already said them. SchoolblahblahconcertsblahEdSheeranblahblahPhysicsblahHomework.
So, we will promise you at least 1 post a week.
If you really want to see our excuses, remove the blahs.
They better have good costumes on Pico.
Or else.