Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Day in A Life of Chrysalis ON HALLOWEEN!

It's been a week.... already?
I guess so, and that means another post for you.
Since I didn't really know what to write today, I just thought I'd share my day in Pico with you.
If I like it, I probably will continue this segment :)

First of all, doesn't RinaRina get a kiss for the fabulous new items? Mwah!
 I love my new, old pink ghost hoodie, which I know was there last year but I only bought it this year.
I feel like changing my mouth to a huge smiley-face mouth because of Halloween. Did I mention how much I adore Halloween? Well, I do.

In the middle of traveling, I get a connection timeout and I freaked.
So glad my internet is fine. My poor baby...
Then, I went to Barbie Salon. Why? I needed a hair change. I'm so sick of my boring brown/black hair that's on basically every Pico.

So, I changed it.
Got a trim.
Changed the color.
And voila!
I like it a lot, actually. Do you?

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