Sunday, March 11, 2012

Casino FTW!

I'm getting so lucky in Casino today! ^.^


5 DJ's in a row :)

You see what I mean? This is kinda a random post for today.
But, I hope you will share my Casino luckiness :)
The only thing I need now is 5 Pico's in a row. . . which will probably never happen.
But, hey, a girl can dream.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Shoot for the Stars (Part 2 of Many)

Sooooo... today's star is going to be (drumroll):
Meet the Legend of Chaulin in China:
Step 1: Go to Chaulin Temple
Step 2: Buy moves from the trainer.

Step 3: Do the moves with 5 people next to the trainers.
Step 4: Wait for Chaulin to appear.
That's all for today! Bye!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

New Trend: Combining Wigs?

I've seen many Picos do this, nowadays. So, is combining wigs, hot or not?

     It can go either way. . . Let's go on to do's and don'ts~

Nice try but, that just doesn't look good. AT ALL.

EEK! Don't overdo it!

Just, no. Pink and gray don't go together


Kawaii :3

To make this hairstyle:
From David's Shop
[NYC Downtown]

From RinaRina's Shop
[NYC Downtown]

For a cooler look....

To make this hairstyle:
Found in RinaRina's Shop
[NYC Downtown]
Also from RinaRina's Shop


To make this hairstyle:

Can be bought at Pico's 2nd Anniversary Park
WAS in the Heart Music Park, but they deleted that :'(

Okay, that's all for today! Bye~

Friday, March 2, 2012

Shoot For the Stars (Part 1 of Many)

Hi! To all Picos: you know that stamp book on the tippy-top of the page? Yeah, that's for the "Stars." Stars are pretty much your way to easy gummies. Most stars are easy, like playing Gacha, or dressing up. But some are more difficult. I'll post two today (since it's my first time writing here!!!!) but I'll try to post one or two every week.

Wave at Dolphins:

Step 1: Go to Sparkling Ocean

Step 2: Buy a swimsuit if you don't have one.

This is really important!

Step 3: Go to the water and swim to the tiny island.

Crowded :\

Step 4: Go to the edge and wave with 3 people.


Fire Dancers:

Step 1: Buy the hula dance from the hula lady on the tiny island (see above).

It costs one token :3
Step 2: Go to Sunset Beach.

Step 3: Go to the boardwalk (the hula dancer is there, too).

Me and my sleepy friend xD
Step 4: Hula Dance with 5 people.

Step 5: Watch the fire dancers and BAM! You get your star!

FIRST POST EVER (for me at least)! Pretty good... I hope. I'm gonna be posting about more than stars but if you have any suggestions for other stars I should write about, please comment and I'll try to make a guide for them ^.^

Till then, adios.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pico's 2nd Anniversary!

Happy Pico's 2nd Anniversary! :)

Urgh -__-"
So. Many. People.

The line for Chloe's house was just like when she decorated for Halloween. I don't get it... o_o

Ohmygod. Did you guys realize that when you ring someone else's room, you get to shoot a cannon?! If you didn't, YES, it's true.

Random person in the back xD

I have no idea how long it'll last. I do know that it's super cool and you've gotta try it.

Okie, that's all for today. Bye ;)